Wingmen Show

How To Be Stop Feeling Needy And Start Being Needed

October 10, 2023 Drew Brown and Paul Thompson
Wingmen Show
How To Be Stop Feeling Needy And Start Being Needed
Show Notes

There are some Hall-of-Fame athletes who can do more than just play ball. The late Roberto Clemente, one of the best players ever to play professional baseball was a well known humanitarian that literally gave his life to help others. As we age many of us will transition from energetic independence to a slower pace and may require some assistance as time goes on. But some elderly are really independent, like the lady from Chicago who set a record by becoming the oldest person at the age of 104 to skydive from a plane from an altitude of ten thousand feet. Soon, the lack of fresh water may become a thing of the past as researchers in the U.S. and China have developed a low cost way to produce drinking water from sea water using the power of the sun. It’s nice to be a people-pleaser, but to maintain balance remember to be true to yourself. Meet a wingman who jumped into action to save two ladies caught in a raging fire of epic proportions.