Wingmen Show
Two Dope Boys in a Navy jet. The Wingmen Show is a weekly podcast about challenges and opportunities in everyday life. Your hosts are two guys born in Harlem, New York previously unknown to each other. Separately, they became Navy pilots flying high performance jet aircraft on and off of aircraft carriers patrolling the world’s oceans. Their paths did not cross formally until they ended up flying for the same airline after their active-duty military service had ended. They have a wide range of experiences spanning the worlds of basketball and boxing. Drew’s father is Drew Bundini Brown, Muhammad Ali’s Wingman and coined the iconic phrase “Float Like A Butterfly Sting, Like A Bee". Martial Arts and Show Business are also areas of mutual interest. Drew has been featured nationally on television programs such as the Donahue Show and the Today Show. He has also appeared in hundreds of newspapers and magazines. Both are published authors as well as former Navy jet pilots and Commercial Airline Pilots; they retired after having flown the Boeing 777 airliner. The cultural mix of religions, immigrant parents and grandparents from Europe and the Caribbean gives them an uncommon perspective on racial matters. Melding the cultures of New York City, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Memphis, the Caribbean and Atlanta has helped shape their worldview when combined with the life they have seen and experienced having flown extensively to countries throughout the world.They are wingmen to each other, providing advice, guidance and constructive criticism when needed. The goal of the show is to inspire and entertain those unafraid to expand their minds and perhaps learn something new in the hope that the listeners can become wingmen to others. Each one, teach one.
187 episodes
How Did CDR. Brown Get Kicked Off a Frontier Airline Flight, Then Miss His Celebrity Cruise… But Ended Up On a Magnificent Margaritaville at Sea Cruise Instead!
Everything starts with a good education and continues from there. To be successful in the future one should commit to becoming a life-long learner. Commander Drew went on a wild adventure before he was able to take a vacat...

How to be an Engineer in the Military, Should you avoid Black Colleges?
Through the challenges of modern life we should strive to be as optimistic as possible. Look for the good in people; don’t be overly consumed by evil-doers who pop up every now and then. In a classic case of being dumb and...

How to Fly Jets at Night and Stay Alive in 2025? With a Little Fear and Trusting Your Instruments
Whenever one is taking the first step towards a goal that is difficult or dangerous, it is never easy, but sometimes necessary for the greater good. Pilots across the board can describe the difference between flying during...

How Dr. Paul Avoided Being Arrested as a Terrorist…. He Used Common Sense!
The willingness to life-long learning is one of the keys to a positive future. As the world constantly changes, so should you, at least in a way that shows your accumulation of knowledge and overall growth. Dr. Paul ...

How to Not Loose Your Mind Over Politics in 2025.…STOP Watching TV & Stay Off Your Phone!
We are all capable of great things, but one must have the quality of patience to master something worth doing. Entertainment culture leads many to believe complex problems can be solved within thirty minutes; this is unrealistic and is...

How to Find Good in Los Angeles, During Their Worst Disaster in History - 2025
Wealth, in the form of money, is a common aspiration for just about everyone. When you look beyond material possessions and financial metrics, it can be said that true richness comes from intangible, priceless aspects of life th...

How to Get People to Like You
Many people search in vain to find a path to enlightenment from an external source, not realizing that the spirit they have inside is the main thing that will help them get ahead or fall farther behind. It is human nature ...

How to Make $120k per year Underwater With - No Experience Needed - Join The Australian Navy!
In a fast paced society that’s always on the go it can be hard to slow down. Having a little patience throughout the day can help you live longer and enhance your sense of well being. Australia is offering high schoo...

How to Buy a Gift For Someone Who Has Everything? Make it Yourself!
To have Zen is to have a profound feeling of relaxation and a sense of peace. But this special feeling cannot be found at the top of a mountain or any other place unless you already have it inside yourself when you arrive.&n...

How to Extend Your Life by 2 years? Drink more Coffee.
One of the best ways to have a happier life is to avoid spending time debating with ignorant people. It’s rare that anything useful will come out of a back and forth with someone who thinks they are an authority on a subject but can on...

How to Make 40 Million Dollars Fighting an Old Man
There are no shortcuts to greatness. Worthwhile things take time. What may appear as overnight success is probably an illusion many people have because the stress and strain in accomplishing something significant is invisible to those ...

How To Exercise Without Exercising? Take a Pill!
In today's fast-paced world, time is often the most precious commodity. For many adults balancing careers, family, and personal commitments, finding the time to exercise can seem almost impossible. Yet maintaining physical fitness is crucial...

How to Change Your Life Overnight - Make Your Bed in the morning!
Take the time to give some attention to yourself. This is especially important for those charged with taking care of others; remember that through it all, you still matter.Every day science fiction transitions closer and closer...

How to Be A minimalist….Do the Swedish Death Cleanse!
Give yourself the gift of happiness whenever possible, life is too short to fill your mind with a negative outlook on everything. Believe it or not, there are good things going on in the world that get almost no coverage. Recent advances in ...

A New Way to Get Smarter: Do More Leg Exercises
Since we all have a limited time on earth, it makes no sense to waste that time with a heart filled with hatred which only harms and never heals, or leads to anything good.Believe it or not, some big businesses achieve greater ...

Look Ma No Hands The Future of Driving
Madonna Thunder Hawk encourages us all to stand up for our beliefs and not be concerned about possible defeat. This made your wingmen think of the 80’s Tag Team Wrestlers known as the Road Warriors; they never lost a match.One ...

How to Believe Climate Change is Real? Don’t Evacuate From This New Extreme Weather!
Consider the words of the late, great martial artist Bruce Lee; “Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is specifically your own”. These ingredients, taken in any order, can lead to a successful l...

How To Be An African Giant? Answer: Block Shots and Build Hospitals!
Use passion to your advantage to accomplish your goals, especially the hard ones. There is good news in the world and funny things two. Former President Jimmy Carter just reached the age of 100. He likely owes some of his extraordinary longevit...

How to be a Billionaire and NOT go to Jail for Life!
Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius was known as a proponent of stoic wisdom. Had he lived longer, he probably would have come up with the phrase, “Be All You Can Be”, centuries before the US Army used it in recruiting ads o...

How to Buy a Tesla Cyber Truck? Get the New iPhone!
Kindness costs nothing, but can mean everything to someone who really needs it.In an effort to bring out some good things happening in the world, consider the case of a high school football team in Riverside, California, compos...

How To Get On The Mount Rushmore of Thespians (Actors)…. Be James Earl Jones!
If you want to understand people you need to listen to them before you begin speaking. There are many good things going on in the world. The Wingman Show always aims to be positive and leave you with a positive outlook.Although...

How to Work Anywhere in the world…Become a Digital Nomad
Life is not always going to be convenient. Embrace the challenge to be better even though you may suffer some discomfort in the short run. Meaningful growth rarely happens by accident, one must be intentional to move forward.

How to Get a Job at a Black Airline Convention While Being White
Every day you wake up is a new day, so make the most of it.Dr. Paul represented the Wingmen Show at the OBAP (Organization of Black Aviation Professionals) at their annual conference held this year in Memphis, Tennessee, and sp...

How to Stay Pee-Pee Free In a Pool? Don’t Be An Olympic Swimmer!
Those who help others are essentially wingmen, whether they know it or not. We have renewed our alliance with Magic Mind, the nootropic that improves alertness and concentration. This concoction is so effective, that separately, both of our ...

How to Have a Black Job and Strike Gold, Be an Olympian!
Accomplishing purpose driven goals requires commitment as well as enduring periods of discomfort. Athletes in general and olympians in particular, experience many years of extreme physical and emotional stress in their quest to be the best i...