Wingmen Show
Wingmen Show
How to Not Loose Your Mind Over Politics in 2025.…STOP Watching TV & Stay Off Your Phone!
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We are all capable of great things, but one must have the quality of patience to master something worth doing. Entertainment culture leads many to believe complex problems can be solved within thirty minutes; this is unrealistic and is rarely the case in real life.
A political season is one filled with constant propaganda encouraging people to be in favor or against something or someone. The loudness and harshness that comes with political campaigns conjure up emotions ranging from elation to depression. Try getting off the emotional merry-go round for a while. Disconnect yourself from your TV and especially your phone for designated periods to help preserve your mental health.
There are many ingredients in foods that are not good for you. The scheduled withdrawal of certain food colorings is believed to be of benefit to the health of Americans in the future. In the meantime, take some time to look at the ingredients of the foods you are eating. If you cannot pronounce the words of certain ingredients, they are most likely, man-made compounds that may negatively affect your health in the long run.
High paying jobs generally require higher amounts of education and training than the average profession. So buckle down and study hard to give yourself the best chance for upward mobility. Noting comes easy.
Meet a trio of wingmen who deputized themselves as volunteer fire fighters to save their homes as well as others.