Wingmen Show

How Dr. Paul Avoided Being Arrested as a Terrorist…. He Used Common Sense!

Drew Brown and Paul Thompson

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 The willingness to life-long learning is one of the keys to a positive future. As the world constantly changes, so should you, at least in a way that shows your accumulation of knowledge and overall growth. 

Dr. Paul and a colleague unexpectedly found themselves typecast as potential “evil doers” by U.S.  Air Force security personnel. With the application of emotional maturity and common sense, a very tense situation was resolved peacefully to the satisfaction of all concerned without further incident. 

For a bit of good news, consider the development of a new drug that alleviates pain without a patient ever becoming addicted to it; a development that will help with the Opiod crisis. 

Furthering one’s education through online degree and certification programs is a great thing to do. The technological development of visual online platforms like Zoom makes sharing information easy. Just make sure you are dealing with an institution/program that has been accredited by an official body that regulates colleges and universities so that you don’t waste your time and money. 

Almost everyone has a smart phone. It is worth your while to use it for your benefit. There are many things you can do, but one of the most essential is to input your medical information so that emergency services or hospital personnel can access it. This may come in handy one day if you are unable to effectively communicate for yourself. 

Meet an inspirational wingman who has defied the odds and accomplished a great deal, all while simultaneously helping to develop others to follow his path of success.