Wingmen Show
Wingmen Show
How to be an Engineer in the Military, Should you avoid Black Colleges?
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Through the challenges of modern life we should strive to be as optimistic as possible. Look for the good in people; don’t be overly consumed by evil-doers who pop up every now and then.
In a classic case of being dumb and even dumber, elements within the U.S. Department of Defense decided to avoid one of the premier sources of top candidates for engineering positions within the military simply because the name of the event had the word “Black” in the title. At a time when American-born engineers graduating from accredited institutions is at an all time low and declining levels, a component of the institutional leadership decided they would rather decrease the ranks of certified engineers rather than be associated with a group that has traditionally been a primary source of engineering talent for many years. These engineers will have plenty of options that command salaries far above what is available from the government. Oh well.
On a positive note, consider that Fetoscopic surgery allows surgeons to open a women’s uterus and apply corrective measures to reduce of eliminate the damaging effects of Spina Bifida, then close the fetus and make things suitable for a normal birth.
Children are losing physical dexterity by focusing too much on screens and not using their hands and fingers enough to develop and refine their fine motor skills. The solution is simple, get physical; just move.
Some of the top hotels in the U.S. are available, with the Ritz Carlton in New York City, surprisingly not being the most expensive one.
Meet a wingman who donated a fortune to a small town of people he never met.